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The Banking Revolutions: A Critical History of Investment Banking FREE SHIPPING

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At the beginning of the 19th century some of the most outstanding banker sagas in the history of our time emerged from the ghettos of Frankfurt. Jewish Germanic families such as the Rothschilds, Goldmans, Sachs, Guggenheims, Loebs, Lazards, Oppenheims and Warburgs started a diaspora across Europe, founding the first international banking firms, some of them are still active today.Upon their arrival in the United States, the old princes rivaled new Protestant tycoons such as J.P. Morgan and the Rockefellers. International financiers learned to cooperate to achieve common goals, as in 1913, when Congress approved the creation of the Federal Reserve. Decades later it was learned that the law that gave rise to the third central bank of the United States was secretly sketched out in 1910 by a handful of men, representatives of the great banking dynasties, in an exclusive resort on an island in Georgia.This is the amazing story of how a handful of investment bankers, united by family and business ties, led the course of history since the beginning of the 20th century, financing conflicts and revolutions to achieve a global economic system sustained on debt and oligopolies.

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