Free: 15 Moon Glower Seeds - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

15 Moon Glower Seeds

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  • Buckhorn, KY USA (map)
  • Free shipping (United States)
15 seeds

Moonflower vines can grow in large containers or you can plant them in the ground. More moonflowers can be started from root division of existing plants. Mulch the roots of moonflowers in southern zones, and dig them up for winter storage in colder areas. Light requirements for growing moonflowers are adaptable, but more sun equals more blooms.

Care for Moonflowers
Water small plants regularly and provide additional water as moonflower vines grow. Regular fertilization at half strength with a high phosphorus fertilizer encourages more blooms on this plant. Too much nitrogen fertilizer may limit blooms and create abundant growth of the foliage

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