"I didn't receive my item or a message a ... " (more)nd had to wait over a month to get my points back. I'm not leaving negative feedback because I know her as a terrific seller that wouldn't do this unless there was something important going on with her. Its unusual behavior & I hope everything is okay. "
"AhhhHh!!!! OMG!! A++ A TRILLION times & the ... " (more)n some!!! LOVE this chick,,and LOVE working with her,,she ALWAYS spoils me beyond spoiling!! omg,Ty SO much love,,,i can't stop smiling!! :))) YOU ABSOLUTELY ROCK BABE!!! ily SO much!!! <3 and,i WILL be back for more;) "
"Absolutely amazing!! I love everything so mu ... " (more)ch. This seller is by far one of the very best on listia. She goes above and beyond to make her customers feel spoiled ."
"<3 <3 sorry so late boo,I literally JUST ... " (more)got home from the girls games(blah) lol..but omg,I LOVEEEEEEEEEE everything, YOU ALWAYS spoil me & take care of me ;) Your such a sweetheart & i am so glad we formed the friendship we have <3 YOU absolutely rock toots..Im gonna miss you terribly on here :( "