"I am so glad that your kitties love using thi ... " (more)s fountain, I know my cat wouldn't drink water out of anything else. You are an AWESOME CUSTOMER and I thoroughly enjoyed talking with you. Thanks 4 Buying, Betty "
"Very Positive: OK you won my heart. The prett ... " (more)iest item I ever won. Thank you for rushing this to me. You aqre indeed Awesome. Happy New Years To You And Yours. Can you tell me what year this lovely Doll was created."
"I am glad you agree with me on my assessment ... " (more)of her, and that you are extremely happy with your purchase. Unfortunately I do not know the date she was created. I hope to get my auctions up & running again soon, so keep watching. Thanks 4 Buying, Betty"
Jan 19th 2017, 12:16:33 AM PST (about 8 years ago)
"You are very welcome, keep an eye out because ... " (more) I have another lot of almost 150 stickers that I will be posting by Friday and they are all different than the ones you already have. Thanks 4 Buying, Betty"
"I am super glad to hear that you got them as ... " (more)quickly as you did & that you are so happy with them. Keep watching because in November & December I will be doing Thanksgiving & Christmas Sets as well, I have a lot of those leftover too. Great customer to work with A+++++! Thanks 4 Buying Betty"